PowerSchool Log-in Information
July 18, 2018
You can see your students academic progress every week on PowerSchool. If you have not yet created a PowerSchool parent account, we encourage you to do so. To create a Parent Account visit: powerschool.cmcss.net. Please note: to create your account you’ll need a set of access codes for each of your students. If your email is on file with the school, you will automatically have access codes emailed to you. If not, please stop by the front office, with your ID, and we can print those off for you. Both parent and student mobile apps are available free at iTunes for the iPhone and on Google Play for android phones. We hope you will take advantage of this free access. If you have a PowerSchool account, but forgot your username and password please visit: powerschool.cmcss.net/public/account recoverybegin.html